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Eventi / III Edition International Summer School - Cancer biology and therapeutic strategies towards personalized medicine

La SIF organizza e promuove eventi di grande rilevanza scientifica nel campo della farmacologia, a livello nazionale e internazionale.

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Hotel Carasco

3 - 7 giugno 2019

III Edition International Summer School - Cancer biology and therapeutic strategies towards personalized medicine

The International Summer School of Cancer biology is intended for attendees from all countries interested in the most appealing topics in Cancer Research. The School is focused on “Cancer biology and therapeutic strategies towards personalized medicine". During the School, 15 lectures of 80 min (including discussion) will be given by some of the best experts in the field of basic and clinical cancer research. The school is addressed to students, PhD students, Post-Doctoral fellows and researchers interested in Cancer Research, personalized medicine, CRISPR/Cas9 based therapeutic approches and computational biology.

With the presence of some of the most renowned world experts in the field, the Summer School will cover the basic aspects of cancer biology, therapeutic strategies and metastasis development. Gene editing with CRISPR/Cas9, telomeres and cancer, pharmacogenetics and precision medicine, immunotherapy, are only some of the topics that will be also covered. The School includes both basic science and clinical lectures, highlighting the need of translational approaches in Cancer Research.


La SIF ha messo a disposizione 4 iscrizioni gratuite per giovani Soci SIF, under 38, non strutturati. Scadenza domande: 8 febbraio 2019. Per maggiori informazioni consultare il bando al seguente link

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