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Eventi / ITTS conference - Crossing the Transporter Frontier: A Decade of Transmembrane Transporter Exploration

La SIF organizza e promuove eventi di grande rilevanza scientifica nel campo della farmacologia, a livello nazionale e internazionale.

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Washington, DC

29 ott - 01 nov 2024

ITTS conference - Crossing the Transporter Frontier: A Decade of Transmembrane Transporter Exploration

The conference is hosted by Michael Gottesman (NCI) and Susan Amara (NIMH), and the meeting site will be at the Maryland NIH campus in Bethesda. The program was developed in collaboration with ITTS and is available on the website.

Conference registration and abstract submission are opened.

There is no registration fee for the conference. However, to get an accurate head count, please register soon. 

The conference will provide support for a limited number of young scientists.

The conference website will include the selected off-site hotel accomodations for the conference (Hyatt Regency Bethesda and Marriott Bethesda). 

There will be an opening conference reception on October 29, 2024 at Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery.

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